Sunday, June 5, 2011

Turn, Turn Turn...

June 2, 2011 
Day  #21
Millersville MD to Coatesville PA via US301, US213 and wherever TOMTOM told us to go

Leaving Millersville MD

The heat wave broke during the night and the weather was perfect today. It was type of day that makes you want to lift your face towards the sun, spread your arms and take a deep breath. Unfortunately, the same system that ushered in such relief to the mid -Atlantic states, was responsible for death and destruction in New England.

Rookie's ready to ride

Today we puled up stakes and moved a little northward again.  We crossed over the upper Chesapeake Bay a little north of Annapolis on one of the longest bridges that I've ever seen.  It's easy to forget just how huge the Chesapeake is! 

We did not travel the interstates, instead we chose state and local roads. And I do mean local. US213 is an old route that snakes its way north on the eastern side of Maryland , through farms and tiny towns. We enjoyed the scenery and Jim's arms got a good workout.

It got a little tricky as we neared the campground in the West Chester/Coatesville Pennsylvania area. What looked like a fairly direct route to me apparently did not suit TOMTOM. Again, when we disagree, I let TOMTOM win. TOMTOM really blew this one, we were blindly following TOMTOM's orders making a very convoluted route indeed. In the process we were treated to some beautiful countryside.

We are on a hilltop here at the KOA.  Nice park, beautiful pool (but now we don't need it, it's cool) and quiet.  Horse ranches everywhere.  Nice country.

Tomorrow we go into downtown Philadelphia.  Philadelphia...a word I learned to spell very young, staring at the cream cheese package on the breakfast table!

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