Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Who'll Stop The Rain...?

June 11, 2011
Day #30
Middleboro MA and Rhode Island

During the night we could hear the rain pounding on the roof.  The rubber roof is bad enough, but the shower has a skylight so all that's between the rain and us is a thin sheet of plastic.  Shower units make great  echo chambers !  The local news said hat we received over two inches of rain overnight.  I wish I could have sent it back home to Charleston...

The rain is one thing, but the temperatures are another!  Last week temps were 20 degrees ABOVE normal and now it is 20 degrees BELOW normal.  Can we have a happy medium please?
With all good intentions, we thought we would make the best of it and venture into downtown Boston.  Many years ago Jim worked in tthe Boston area and knows his way around and is not intimidated.  We got to within 16 miles of our intended destination before we WERE intimidated.  The rain was blinding and the traffic was becoming extremely heavy when a few crazy drivers caused us to reconsider exactly how much did we really want to visit Boston.  Or maybe it was my screams...I tried to stifle them, I really did.

A couple of quick turns later we were on our 'old friend' I95 and the Old Post Road, RT1 and headed for Rhode Island.  At least we knew our way around there and the thought of walking around Boston in the cold downpour was not so appealing.  Besides, Rhode Island has some weird foods that we can't find anywhere else!  Heck, you can find lobster and chowder anywhere, but New York System Hot Weiners are a very local gastronomic oddity.

Jim's lunch...I could only handle two!

The Wein O Rama Menu...I don't know who did their graphics, but WHAT is this?

They're not even that good, really.  I have heard them referred to as,belly busters and gaggers...just makes your mouth water, no?  What they consist of is a steamed hot dog bun, skinny weiner, a strange ground meat sauce that defines it and defies duplication, onions, mustard and celery salt. The *original fast food*, usually found in diner-type (think greasy spoon, or dive) restaurants in working class neighborhoods. In fact, there was a  Diners and Dives episode filmed in one of the oldest 'WEENIE JOINTS (as we used to call them) in RI, Olneyville Weiners. Jim even thought about going to that one, it was near where he grew up.  Then we gave it a little more thought and decided that we would like to live long enough to  collect at least a little  Social Security!

Guy Fieri of the food channel explains in this video Hot weiners
We went to a restaurant that always seems to be full, everybody knows everybody, they all complain about the weather and politicians and they all love the Red Sox (as long as they're winning) 
*apparently there are two ways to spell 'weiner or wiener'...I chose the weiner, like the menu!

Later we drove a very short distance (everything is a short distance...it's Rhode Island!) for another unique to RI food, the bakery pizza strip.  Hard to explain, just a thick rectangular strip of pizza dough with JUST a thick tomato sauce topping.  We took a couple of slices home back to the RV with us. 

It was cold, rainy and gray, we headed back to the RV.  Since we can just barely get any TV reception, we went to another movie, Pirates of the Caribbean.  Silly movie, but I just LOVE Depp's adaptation of the prancing, limp wristed Jack Sparrow!  He's a hoot.

Back at the RV.  I'm wearing cuddle duds to bed, we have a heavy blanket on, the heat is on, the dogs are shivering...

The rain is doing that miserable, drizzle, spitting thing...I always hated that.

I really feel bad for the people who work all week and wait for the weekend to enjoy the outdoors.  It was nice all week, even beach weather...the weekend came and it's miserable out.  The campground is empty and is usually booked solid for a mid June weekend.  Sad.

Tomorrow, heading up to Gloucester and Rockport to freeze some more!

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